Please read this agreement carefully,  RemoteDVR platform will provide you with the following terms and conditions.

Thanks for your reading of RemoteDVR Platform User Agreement (the "Agreement"). The terms and conditions in this agreement apply to all the tools and services (the "Service") provided by RemoteDVR Platform. 

1. Confirmation of Terms of Service
RemoteDVR platform provides services to users in accordance with these terms of service and modifications. The terms of this service are legally binding on the contract law.
If you disagree with any of the terms of the agreement, you may choose not to register. Once you click "Register" and through the process, you will voluntarily accept all the terms of this agreement and become a registered member of the RemoteDVR platform. While users using the RemoteDVR platform , they are agreed to accept all information services that RemoteDVR platform provided.

2.Service content, modification, interruption, and termination

2.1 The specific content of RemoteDVR platform are provided by the platform according to the actual situation, and reserves the right of final explanation of service they provided.

2.2 The RemoteDVR platform only provides services to their members, related equipment (such as personal computers, mobile phones, and other devices connected to the Internet or mobile network) and the required costs (such as for accessing to the Internet of the telephone charges and Internet access fees, mobile phones for the use of mobile phones and pay) are assumed by member themselves.

2.3 In view of the particularity of the network service, the users agree that the RemoteDVR platform reserves the right to change, discontinue or terminate some or all of the network services (including toll network services) at any time without prior notice. RemoteDVR platform does not guarantee that network services will not be interrupted, and either of the timeliness of network services, security, and accuracy.

2.4 The RemoteDVR platform requires periodic or occasional overhaul or maintenance of the platform and related equipment, if such as the interruption of network services (including toll network services)happened within a reasonable period of time,the RemoteDVR platform does not need to bear any responsibility. The RemoteDVR platform reserves the right to suspend all or part of the network service without prior notice for maintenance, upgrades or other purposes.

2.5 Users expressly agree to using the RemoteDVR Platform Web Services at their own risk. The RemoteDVR platform is not responsible for the legality of the platform, nor is it responsible for any information, products and services that are downloaded and accepted by the RemoteDVR platform. The RemoteDVR platform is not responsible for any of its legality, and without warranty of any kind, does not guarantee that the search results to meet the user's requirements, does not guarantee that the search service is not interrupted, the security, correctness, timeliness, legitimacy of search results are not guaranteed.

2.6 RemoteDVR platform will keep the right to close the account which not logged in for more than 6 months..

2.7 The RemoteDVR Platform shall have the right to temporarily or permanently modify or terminate the Service (or any part thereof) at any time, regardless of its notice, the RemoteDVR Platform shall not be liable to the User of any third party.
2.8 You agree that the RemoteDVR Platform shall for its sole consideration, for any reasons, including but not limited to unused for a long time, or the RemoteDVR Platform think that you have violated the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement, will terminate your password, account or service Use (or any part of the service) remove and delete any content in the Service. You agree that any service provided under this Agreement shall be discontinued or terminated without prior notice, you acknowledge and agree that the RemoteDVR Platform may immediately close or delete all relevant information and documents in your account and your account or prohibit Use the above documents or the service.
In addition, you agree that the RemoteDVR Platform shall not be liable to you or to any third party if the use of the Service is interrupted or terminated or your account and related information and documents are closed or deleted.

3. Member account and password
After the registration is successful, the RemoteDVR platform will give each member an account and the corresponding password, which is held by the user. The user should be legally responsible for all activities and events conducted by his account.
Our company shall not be liable for any unlawful use of the account or password by the acts of hacking or the negligence of the members. If you find any illegal use of member accounts or security vulnerabilities, please contact us immediately.