TscamList the SDKs one by one. List the SDKs one by one

The SDK business scenarios, required user information, and privacy policy connections related to the use of user information in the Tscam APP are listed as follows:

1、bugly SDK

Purpose of use: To achieve smooth operation statistics and exception reporting functions

Data collection type: device identification words, mainly including: log information (including third-party developer defined logs, Logcat logs, and APP crash stack information), device ID (including Android and idfv), networking information, system name, system version, and country code

Operator: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd

Processing pipeline: SDK native collection

Official website connection: https://static.bugly.qq.com/bugly-sdk-privacy-statement.pdf

2. Google Maps SDK

Purpose of use: In order to achieve local map display function, this service will take effect when you use the APP to view the trajectory function of local videos

Data collection type: device location related information (GPS location, WLAN access point, Bluetooth, base station, and other sensor information), device information (such as IMEI, MAC address, Android ID, SIM serial number, OAID, installed APP information, device serial number, MEID information, sensor information, IMSI information, etc.)

Operator: Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd

Processing pipeline: SDK native collection

Official website connection:https://developers.google.cn/maps/documentation/places/android-sdk?hl=zh-cn

3. Baidu Maps SDK

Purpose of use: In order to achieve local map display function, this service will take effect when you use the APP to view the trajectory function of local videos

Data collection type: device location related information (GPS location, WLAN access point, Bluetooth, base station, and other sensor information), device information (such as IMEI, MAC address, Android ID, SIM serial number, OAID, installed APP information, device serial number, MEID information, sensor information, IMSI information, etc.)

Operator: Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd

Processing pipeline: SDK native collection

Official website connection: https://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=openprivacy

4. Baidu Positioning SDK

Purpose of use: In order for the APP interface to display WiFi of the currently connected device normally

Service type: Use a third-party SDK to identify the current connected WiFi name. You can also choose to refuse positioning, but this will not display the current connected WiFi name on the device interface

Data collection type: This service mainly collects data including: device location related information (GPS location, WLAN access point, Bluetooth, base station, and other sensor information), device information (such as IMEI, MAC address, Android ID, SIM serial number, OAID, installed APP information, device serial number, MEID information, sensor information, IMSI information, etc.)

Operator: Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd

Processing pipeline: SDK native collection

Official website connection: https://map.baidu.com/zt/client/privacy/index.html